What does 2017 have in store for the Utility Industry?

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Home » What does 2017 have in store for the Utility Industry?

Like everyone, resolutions are at the forefront of our mind here at Utility People and one resolution I have is to start writing some blogs! So here I am, all guns blazing ready for 2017. It’s going to be a busy year for Utility People. and with three new faces in the office, there is a lot to be excited about!

To all of you who have completed our Skills Shortage Survey, thank you, we are really looking forward to sharing the results. Already the results are showing us that people in the industry want change, change to reflect a new generation’s needs. It’s so important that companies listen to their staff, and move with the times. We will be sharing our findings soon so watch this space!

So what will 2017 bring?

Water Competition – April 2017 finally sees the introduction of long-awaited Water Competition, where we are set to see the Industry rely on great customer service and finely tuned processes to ensure customer retention. April will be a very interesting time for the whole Industry. I’m looking forward to see who leads the way in this new arena.

New Suppliers – In 2016 we saw a record number of new suppliers contact us for help and advice in setting up their businesses, and according to Utility Week it looks like this is only going to continue in 2017. As a result, analysts predict the big six will see a dramatic fall in their customer base. This is great news for the end user ensuring there are lots of options out there to get the best deal to suit them.

P272  – Another big change due in April, advanced Non Half Hourly electricity meters will go through a Change of Measurement Class to Half Hourly Settlement. This should open the door for innovation in time-of-use tariffs for businesses, as well as giving them better visibility of their consumption.

Smart Metering – Smart Metering creates a digital connection to the customer and we’ll see big increases in the use of apps and smart home platforms. This is the time that companies really need to be thinking about how they manage their digital customer relationships, but with less than 5 million meters installed, the government is far from its target of installing 50 million smart meters by 2020.

I look forward to sticking to my New Year’s resolution, continuing with these blogs and sharing future insights and would love to hear from you if you would like to hear about certain topics going forward. Bring on 2017 – I have a feeling it’s going to be a good one!


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