What makes you happy in your job? The results are in!

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Thank you to everyone who completed our feedback survey and congratulations to our draw winner Meg Wong your £100 Amazon Vouchers are on the way to you now.

We had a great response, with over 350 energy professionals completing our survey and some very interesting findings coming out of analysing the results

The focus of the questionnaire was to establish if professionals were happy in their current roles, the headline result was that a staggering 32% of professionals we asked were NOT happy in their current position.

This level of dissatisfaction must be having a negative impact on our industry so we aim to get this message out to the industry’s influencers so they can work towards motivating and supporting their staff before they choose to move on.

Take a look at our results here and feel free to contact emmae@utilitypeopleuk.com for more details.




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