What should the ‘new normal’ look like?

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Since the pandemic, a number of surveys have been conducted about the new normal and how people are feeling about returning to the traditional work environment. Many people are feeling apprehensive! Further research indicates that one in three workers would rather quit their job than be forced to give up home-working. This is compared to being back into the office full-time.  Most employees are keen to adopt a more flexible way of working. Therefore, being allowed to split their time between the office and home.  Many employees are also looking to their employers to implement better mental health awareness. As well as this, they would like employers to support their staff with access to mental health services moving forwards.

Offering a more flexible environment could put your business ahead of the game when it comes to hiring. As well as this, listening to your staff and their needs by delivering a better work: life balance is going to be so important in our ‘new world’.  Businesses in the future might want to listen more closely to their employee. Perhaps by offering regular employee surveys to gain feedback that will enable you to deliver a more balanced working environment. This will then lead to a healthier, happier and more loyal workforce!!!

At Utility People we wanted to try and understand a little bit more about how you and your business are preparing for the “new normal”, and it would be really helpful for us to see the trend towards flexible working if you could fill out this very short survey: https://forms.gle/R7ukUtGjpe3RsRpv9

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