The Monster Big Report – The Assessment Process

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The job board – Monster – recently produced Candidate Behaviour – The Big Report where they surveyed a cross-section of their database and this is our third blog highlighting their findings which focused on the Assessment Process.

Attitudes were mixed on psychometric testing with 39% comfortable with them, but 32% were not.  62% of candidates still prefer a F2F interview with only 13% preferring online. However, the majority are comfortable with all forms of interviewing.  73% of candidates expect detailed feedback without having to chase for it.

So, what can we learn from this survey in order to give candidates a better experience?

Make sure you manage candidates’ expectations both in terms of the process and timescales.  Consider offering a range of interview formats to make sure you see the best of each candidate. Maybe start online and then follow up with a F2F.  Offer tips and guides to help with online interviews or psychometric testing. The candidate will no doubt be nervous and apprehensive, so giving them some idea of what to expect, will give the candidates a better experience.

And finally – we know it’s time-consuming, but make sure to give interview feedback – although you may not be able to offer a candidate employment, the least you can do is to give them a good experience.

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