Tips For Successful Video Interviews

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Even though the pandemic has significantly eased, video interviews are a part of the recruitment process that is definitely here to stay.

So, if you have one coming up, it could not be more important to ensure that you are ready. After all, you want to have a fighting chance at achieving the role.

In today’s blog, we are sharing some useful tips and advice to help you prepare.

Live vs pre-recorded video interviews

There are two kinds of video interviews. The first type is a live interview following from being sent the link from an employer. This could be via Skype, Zoom, Teams, or another video conferencing provider.

If you’re using a personal Skype or Google account, make sure that you have a professional username and check your privacy settings.

Alternatively, some organisations may use pre-recorded video interviews which can be a little more disconcerting, so be prepared!  In this format, the employer will give you instructions on how to join the interview.

Instead of being connected with a person, you’ll be prompted to answer interview questions that have been pre-recorded or appear in writing on the screen. You’ll record your answer to each question and the employer will review the recording later. There is often a time limit for your answers. You may be given more than one chance to record each answer.

Tips to smash your video interview

No matter what kind of video interview you have, it is vital that you follow these tips.

  1. When setting up for the interview, make sure you find a quiet, private, well-lit place that is free from possible interruptions. Prior to the interview, check for any technical issues. This includes if your internet is stable, your audio is working, and your webcam works too.
  2. In terms of presentation, dress professionally and avoid bright colours as this might be too distracting. Ensure that the room you are in is clear and don’t have any of your washing hanging in the background! During the interview, show that you are engaged by maintaining eye contact and conveying optimism with your body language.
  3. Finally, make sure that you do your research into the company and the job just as much as you would if it was a face-to-face interview. Have a glass or bottle of water next to you, just in case you need it. Don’t be afraid to sip on a cup of tea where needed. It shows that you’re calm cool, and collected and it might even give you time to ponder on an answer!

At the end of your interview, make sure to ask the interviewer about the next steps of the application process and, if you feel comfortable ask for feedback to see how you can improve for next time.

From all of us at Utility People, good luck!


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