Utility People is doing their bit to ensure D&I is happening in the energy & utilities sector

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With so much emphasis on the importance of D&I to create well-balanced organisations, we are doing all we can to support the promotion of gender diversity to our clients. You may have seen our series of Blogs offering advice and guidance to our customers on how to promote D&I in their businesses.  If you haven’t, click here for more information.

So, I thought it was time we started looking at our own statistics. I was pleasantly surprised by the results.

What are the results?

We all know the average industry employment statistics are 80% men to 20% women in the energy and utilities sectors. Therefore, I was pleased that in 2019, our placement stats were 72% men to 28% women. This is better than the industry average. However, I was pleased that in 2020 our statistics improved further with 61% of our placements being male. However, our percentage of women had increased to 39%. This was an impressive 11% increase on the previous year.

When looking at the number of workers placed from black, Asian or other minority backgrounds, our sector remains below the UK average of 11.4% at 6.9%. This is based on statistics produced by the Energy & Utility Skills (EUS) covering data between 2016-2019. https://utilityweek.co.uk/utilities-continue-to-lag-on-workforce-diversification/

However, I was pleased with our own statistics. These were 18% in 2019 and 16% in 2020 which are way above both the national average and industry averages.

There is still a long way to go in ensuring the right balance of D&I for the energy and utilities industry. However, Utility People will continue to deliver candidates from all genders and backgrounds. This is to make sure our clients are seeing the best possible range of candidates for their roles.

To read more about the progress of D&I in energy and utilities, check out our Director – Linda Mason’s – summary of the Powerful Women’s Webinar she attended last week: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/powerful-women-state-nation-launch-linda-mason/?trackingId=wUAZZzbXSuS98hSvVP0jFA%3D%3D

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