Dress to impress isn’t just for the weekend – it’s what’s on the inside that counts’

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It’s an old saying passed down through the generations that helps us to grow into the people we are today, but when it comes to business is this actually true?

If you were to interview two equally good candidates and one is smartly dressed and the other is in desperate need of a haircut and an iron, which one would you want to represent your company?

Appearance speaks volumes both internally and more importantly, externally. Customers who see a scruffy company culture often see this as their approach to business. The reputation of a business is everything and how customers perceive a business is crucial to its success.

With this in mind, the first step to really flying in your career, is to think hard about how you are dressed at work: you need to look the part if you want to be the part. Once you look the part, your mum’s old saying is remarkably shrewd: to really thrive in your career it’s what’s going on inside that counts!


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