Fancy a future energy opportunity on a desert Island….Well kind of?

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Plans have been drawn by a series of European energy companies for a huge artificial island to supply renewable energy to 80 million people across Europe . The island is intended to be a power hub, supporting a vast network of solar panels and wind turbines on a shallow sandbank just 62 miles off the East coast of England in the North Sea.

The plans for the island were designed as part of plans to combat climate change through increasing renewable energy generation – and are a novel way of tackling the problem!  The area identified in the North Sea is considered a perfect location to capture solar rays in the summer months and wind in the cooler Winter months, creating a consistent flow of renewable energy throughout the seasons

The island would have its own port and airstrip, and housing for a small workforce to run the island.  There’s no mention of a cocktail bar as yet, but throw that in and I’m sure they will have applications flying in!

To see more click here.

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