Help Utility People support the NHS

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Whilst this awful pandemic has played havoc with our country, we at Utility People have been very lucky. We have been safely working from home and only venture out as directed during lockdown.  Sure, it’s been tough not seeing friends and family, and business dropped off a cliff, but we have all  been bowled over by the dedication and commitment of the key workers, particularly the wonderful doctors, nurses and support staff of the NHS who have literally put their lives on the line to care for those sadly affected by coronavirus.

Luckily in times of adversity, we tend to pull together. Some amazing people have done amazing things to raise money for the NHS. Such as, the awesome Captain Tom, and there is a new-found respect for this wonderful institution.  I hope these acts of kindness might prompt the government to come up with new ideas of how to further support the NHS. Especially in the future when this pandemic is over.

So, we feel very strongly that we too would like to give something back to our wonderful NHS.  With lockdown easing, and things starting to get back to normal, we would like to demonstrate our gratitude. We will be doing this by donating 5% of our fees to the NHS. This will be for any roles we receive in July, and that we subsequently fill.

Not only will this support the NHS, but we hope it will also encourage positivity. And also to help rejuvenate our industry too. Utilities are needed just as much today as they were before the pandemic. Net Zero is still what we should be aiming for. So lets keep driving our businesses forward to help the country recover as quickly as possible.

If you want to help us say ‘Thank You’, send your Job or a message to our Director Linda today, using the link:

Alternatively if you want to make a difference yourself, the below link is where we are going to make our donation, if you want to make a donation yourself:


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