I recently had a conversation with one of our customers. They had offered a job 4 times, to 4 different candidates. Each time the offer had been accepted, and 4 times it was then turned down. Either because of a counter-offer from their existing employer, or another offer had come in that the candidate decided they preferred.
Luckily this client has now managed to secure their employee. And whilst this is an exceptional circumstance, it’s getting harder and harder not only to find the right people for your organisation, but once found, to get them onboarded. It’s become harder to hire in this fast-moving market.
Has this happened to you? Here’s some advice…
Demonstrate how much you value that candidate!
Make them your BEST OFFER right from the start – now is not the time for lengthy negotiations. Because if you don’t, there is a potential risk that another organisation out there might make a more appealing offer.
If you go to a recruitment specialist to help you with your job, agree on the interview dates with them up-front and stick to them. This gives everyone a deadline and things can move quickly.
In this fast-moving market – you snooze you lose!!!
Be prepared to take RISING STARS
Determine the core skills you really must have and be prepared to train the rest.
Better to have someone bright, talented, and keen to progress than keep waiting and hoping your ideal candidate who ticks all your boxes turns up.
Be flexible!
During the last 2 years, we have all learned to overcome and adapt.
By trying to get everyone back into the old ways of working, you are asking people to adapt again. Like water – people will lean towards the path of least resistance. By this I mean the 90-minute commute is a thing of the past for many. So, if you can find a more flexible way of working the wider choice of employee you will have.
What about onboarding?
I’m not saying it’s easy to onboard and train someone when they are mostly remote. I know, we’ve had teething problems ourselves.
However, if you want to compete and attract the best talent, make changes to your processes, and make time for your new people.
Why not add a buddy scheme? A struggling new employee finds it much easier to talk to a colleague than tell their manager they are not spending enough time with them.
Finally, work WITH your recruiter!
The more open your lines of communication are and the more flexible you can be, the greater success you will have with your recruitment.
We have all had to adapt and react to the market right now, so if you need some help with your recruitment, get in touch with me here.