Make the most of your LinkedIn Profile

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With 90% of recruiters now using LinkedIn to find candidates, it really is so important to ensure you use your LinkedIn profile effectively.

The greatest benefit to LinkedIn is that you are not constrained by your CV, you are able to pick out the bits that highlight your career as well as show your social side too.  There is an option to write blogs, review books and share recommendations about yourself from other people. Your profile starts with a summary section which gives you the perfect opportunity to really sell yourself and make the recruiter want to find out more about you

Here are some tips to help your LinkedIn profile shine:

– Write in the first person, not the third.

– Include key words throughout your profile, for example, Analyst or Settlements.

– Try to get at least 5 recommendations from other people about how good you are.

– Improve your visibility by joining relevant groups and interacting in them.

– Ensure you have a good professional picture on your profile.

– Grow your Network.

– Continuously update your profile.





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