The Future of Recruitment

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Nothing remains constant in our world today! Blink and you will miss something! This applies to the world of recruitment just as much to any other aspect of our lives.  No one can predict the future, but we can be sure about one thing. New strategies will be required to ensure both candidates and clients are well looked after in this new decade, and that someone is still connecting them to each other. In today’s blog, we explore what the future of recruitment looks like…

John Kinderman, Director at Brook Street, said: “The recruitment industry has changed countless times in the past. Newspaper advertising was replaced by job boards. Rolodexes were replaced by databases, and much more. The difference now is that change is happening at an unprecedented speed and scale, and the pace is set to accelerate.”

But, how will things change?

A major part of the recruitment process can be automated. There are signs that this has already started to happen.  There will always be a need for Recruiters, but their role is going to change. It will be much more about increasing value to the companies they work with.

Recruiters will be challenged to think differently about how they uncover the strengths and weaknesses of applicants. And as the skill requirements of organisations change, recruiters will need to immerse themselves further into those organisations than they ever have before.

They will have to be great communicators, problem solvers and collaborators. Not only connecting the right people to the right roles, but supporting their clients in promoting diversity, inclusion and finding ways of bridging the gap. Especially when there are major skills shortages.

And, what will candidates expect?

We also believe that candidates will be very much in the driving seat in the future. They do not just want recruiters to simply connect them to their dream job.

They will be demanding a more personalised approach. Where they feel listened to, valued and supported throughout the transition from one job to another.  And it is critical that we recruiters adjust our approach to make that happen.  Recruiters must be capable of building lasting and honest relationships with their candidates. Relationships that should last for the whole career life-cycle of that person.

Everything is available at a click of a button and the recruiters job will also encompass guiding candidates on how to present their online presence in the best possible light. This will include highlighting key words and skills for CV searching, cleansing unwanted online data and promoting Profiles such as LinkedIn. All of this in the most professional way possible.

2020 is the perfect time for change and if you are thinking of a change in career, we would love to help you on your own personal journey, so take a look through our Jobs page and send us your CV for a personal chat.

Alternatively, if you are a company looking for a progressive recruiter who can add so much more value than just sifting CVs, give us a call to find out more.


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