Top Tips to Ace Your Interview

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So, you have managed to bag yourself an interview for the job of your dreams! Now, you are freaking out as you have no idea how to prepare for that interview. However, there is no need to worry as we are here with this blog with lots of tips to help you smash your interview.

What do I need to do pre-interview?

The first step in this process is to learn as much as you can about the business. Most interviewers will want to know why you want to work for their organisation and will expect you to have done your homework.  By knowing what the company does and a bit about its history, you are in a much better position not only to tailor your answers to questions, but to be able to ask informed and intelligent questions to demonstrate how much you want the job.

Secondly, consider the role you are being interviewed for and what topics or subjects you might be asked about.  Most interviews these days are competency based, so think about WHY you are good at your job, and prepare a number of examples you can recount to demonstrate your knowledge and suitability.  What have been your proudest achievements in your career so far?  What adversities have you had to overcome?  Being prepared will position yourself as a strong contender for the job and make a positive impression on the hiring manager.

Might sound a bit mad – but practice some of your answers. This will help you to get the tone right and as well as working on your body language.  Make sure you demonstrate open and frank communication skills.

And finally, organise your day – plan the route, know where you’re parking, leave with plenty of time and arrive ten to fifteen minutes early. This shows you’re keen and that you have a genuine interest in the role.

What about during the interview?

If you have planned your journey and arrived on time, you should be calm and focused for the interview and in the best state of mind to perform well.  Engage, smile and make eye contact – first impressions really do count, and if you have done your homework and prepared well, you might even enjoy the experience!

Have your list of questions ready, but make sure they are the RIGHT questions.  Don’t focus on how much you can earn, ask about the job, career progression, the culture and environment.  And remember – never bad mouth your current employer – they will want to know your reason for looking for a new job, but be as diplomatic as possible.

What should I do post-interview?

Our advice would always be not to pester post-interview as that could damage your chances of being offered.  By all means, chase your Recruiter, but never hassle the Hiring Manager.  What you could do is to try to link in with them and send a thank you for taking the time to see you.  Even if you are not right for this role, people have long memories, and if you demonstrated professionalism and potential, you never know when that connection might benefit you in the future.

If you are unsuccessful, try to get feedback from your Recruiter as to how you can improve for next time. We always say that a failed interview is practice for the next one.

So good luck with your next interview, and do contact us if you need any help and you can check out our latest roles here.


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