Unsung heroes behind the brand – Lisa Weston

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When’s she in the office, don’t we know it! Our northern lass Lisa doesn’t do quiet and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Bringing a huge amount of energy into the business every day, Lisa delivers fun and laughter by the bucket load – and without fail there is always a rendition of ‘fly me to the moon’ which you weirdly feel lost without when she isn’t in the office.

Lisa is a massive part of the Utility People brand, our values run through her veins and she is a fantastic role model to us all.  She is a very strong independent woman and is the ‘big sister’ figure that the team go to if they have a problem.  Her expertise in recruitment and amazing head hunting skills are always on hand to help resolve any issues our team may have.

Lisa has spent 6 years with Utility People and her 100% success rate in Executive Search is testament to her commitment to the job and her tenacity for our business. Which is actually quite shocking as she always seems to be on holiday?!?!   Her skin is a beautiful bronze, and she is always planning her next trip to some exotic destination – but why not when you’re slaying it hey!   

Her love, laughter, infectious personality and rebellious streak always sets us up for a bit of naughtiness in the office, buts that’s what its all about hey!  Why would you go to work if it wasn’t a laugh!   Never a dull moment with this one around. Thank you for being you Lisa, you brighten even the dullest day!

Always a pleasure, never a chore!


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