Why employers need to embrace Hybrid working

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More than 84% of employees who mainly worked from home during the pandemic said they were going to continue some form of hybrid working in the future, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Additionally, 4 in 10 of those workers said they planned to work mostly from home in the future, a rise of over 10% since April 2021.

This year, the proportion of hybrid working adults has risen from 13% in January to nearly a quarter (24%) by early May 2022, with around one in seven workers working exclusively from home, and workers aged 30 to 49 were the most likely to undertake hybrid working.

More than 78% of those who work from home claimed this model gives them an improved work-life balance with more than half reporting they got work done more quickly and with fewer distractions. Almost half also reported improved well-being (47%), with the most common benefit of working from home being improved work-life balance.

Like it or not, as employers, we have to embrace hybrid working if we want to attract the brightest and the best to our organisations.

If you would like to have a chat about how Utility People can help you to transition to a more flexible workforce, contact us today:




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