Finding the best candidates for your vacancies

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It is becoming increasingly difficult across the utility sector for businesses to find candidates to fill their vacancies. This is because there is so much competition for the very best people.  Even we as recruiters are having to work harder than ever to engage and connect with potential candidates. So why is that happening?

We think one possible reason is that many employees were pretty well looked after by their employers during the pandemic. Through the lockdowns, this has generated a real feeling of loyalty towards those employers. This is definitely limiting the number of people considering a career change right now.

Is this something you can relate to as a business owner?

If so, and you are proactively hiring in your business, you will have to work harder than ever before to attract the best talent into your organisation.  So, what can you do to give your business a fighting chance?

Make sure you are offering potential employees attractive benefits to make them want to join your company.  The top of the list is flexible or hybrid working.  Since the pandemic, many have seen the benefits of a better work/life balance. Therefore, if you want to attract the best talent and have the widest possible choice, you have to be flexible.

If you are worried about the prospect of managing employees remotely, why not look at improving your on boarding process? You can do this through buddy schemes and regular communication. If you are still concerned, how about investing in new software to help manage your people more effectively?

And finally – if you do identify someone you really MUST have in your business, make sure you are seen to be giving your best possible offer to that candidate.  Don’t try and save a couple of grand, because if you do, another company will likely gazump your offer and run off with the prize.

This is the advice we are giving to our customers as we help them to navigate this challenging hiring market and support them with getting the best possible outcomes in their recruitment process.


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