Working From Home Survey Results

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As it looks like lockdown will be ending later this month and we all hope to get back to some sort of normality, we thought it would be a good idea to survey our candidates to find out how they had been looked after by their employers whilst working from home over the past 18 months. This also shows just how significantly our working landscape has changed.

What are the results?

A large majority of respondents have found working from home a very positive experience. This has not only benefitted family life and delivered a much better work-life balance, but a large majority found that it had also increased their productivity.

Our respondents on the whole felt that most employers have been supportive throughout COVID-19. Although, there is definitely more that could be done. One benefit that seems to have emerged is that mental health issues are now being taken more seriously. Employees feel listened to much more sympathetically and therefore much better outcomes.

67% say their companies are likely to be offering some form of hybrid working moving forwards. As well as this, a large proportion indicates a deal-breaker scenario when applying for new jobs if some form of working from home is not on offer.  The high cost of commuting and wasted time travelling was quoted as a big factor.

However, on the flip side, many acknowledged that the traditional work environment still has a lot to offer.

This included the social interaction and face-to-face communication you get in the office. As well as this, the community feel, and sharing of experiences.  It was also recognised that it is much easier for new starters, for training and mentoring. It is also much better for collaborative working and networking.

In summary, we feel there is a very strong message here to employers. Those that can offer supportive and hybrid methods of working will have a much bigger talent pool to choose from and as a consequence will attract the best employees available for their businesses. To read more about attracting talent to your business, you can check out our other blog here. 


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